Wood Finishing Application

CD Automation has developed its own system based on HMI where inside there is a standard Software to drive UV Lamps. REVO C thyristor unit is in communication with the Touch Panel.
The electronic Control for UV Lamps is becoming every day more and more used for application in printing machines and dry painting on wood.
The feature Voltage/Current is a function depending on type of gas and on the working temperature.
The right power management of the lamp gives the advantages of lower power consumption and thus a lower CO2 emmission.
With REVO C the Power is under control.

REVO C is able to reduce the power at Stand by value when the material is not there and to increase it when the production start again.
This unit have a very sophisticate alghoritm able to switch on the lamp at constant current and to avoid the switch off while it is working.
When a transformer is provided to switch on the lamp the REVO C is designed to drive it at constant current.
These transformers are special designed and with a secondary voltage of KV.
After the starting procedure that can tacke many seconds an input signal set the lamp emission.
Via communication or via an analog input is possible to adjust it from 30% to 100%.These percentage depends on lamp type.
REVO C is a digital Thyristor unit thus the customer avoid wire many cables.
If customer want to implement its own software in the Panel CD Automation can do it.

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