Ottimizzazione gestione del calore nel settore dei combustibili rinnovabili

The primary role of heating systems in the production of renewable fuels

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The complicated geopolitical conjuncture, linked to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the questioning of fossil fuels, whose role is far from sustainable in view of a green society, are pushing the production of renewable fuels.
These fuels are produced from sources that are constantly regenerating and will not run out in the next future. They are made from a combination of different sources: vegetable oils, animal fat, other organic substances and previously used materials such as garbage and residues.

Why turn to renewable fuels?

The use of renewable fuels has many advantages. First of all, they decrease the amount of garbage entering landfills through the recovery and valorisation of oil and fat processing residues. They could diversify fuel options for the transport industry, significantly reducing CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable fuels will thus contribute to the achievement of the coveted Net Zero Target, while increasing the energy security of nations. Investing in the production of such fuels is therefore valuable in both economic-political and environmental terms. 

What is the role of heat?

The question now arises as to how these renewable fuels are produced. Very generally, the processes involved in transformation require the use of heat. More specifically, we talk about thermal depolymerisation and pyrolysis, two processes that use heat to break down plastics and garbage into their main components, which can then be reconverted into usable fuels.

Why contact CD Automation?

Whether it is the production of biofuels, ethanol or other renewable fuels, a primary role in these processes is assigned to heating systems. And this is where CD Automation’s 30 years of experience comes in. In fact, since 1987, the company manufactures thyristor power units, soft starters and SCR power controllers of the highest quality, positioning itself as the main reference partner in the industrial thermoregulation sector.
In addition, CD Automation has created a competence centre to support its partners in the electrification of applications, reducing complexity and consumption and improving the power quality of thermal processes, according to an approach dedicated to sustainability.


Biofuel production

The importance of thermoregulation

By focusing on the production of biodiesel and ethanol, the strategic nature of a partnership with CD Automation can be better understood.
Biodiesel is a clean-burning alternative fuel produced from renewable resources. In particular, the circulation heaters and tank heaters are used in the production process of this fuel. This implies a critical control of the temperature that is delivered through electric heat in the different production steps.
A similar consideration can be transferred to ethanol production. It involves the processing of chemicals, waters and mixtures, which must be stored at a precise temperature and then pumped to the different stations. In this case too, it is therefore essential to control and maintain constant tank and pipe temperatures during the different production processes. 

Which solutions does CD Automation offer?

CD Automation assists companies in the renewable fuels sector by providing static power units for controlling industrial heaters, temperature controllers and support software for thermal process control.

So, let’s find out which CD Automation products best suit the needs of renewable fuel producers:

  • REVO S – High-performance, reliable, flexible and compact Solid-State Relays, available from 3.5 to 800A.
    The range includes 1-2-3 phase units with the following features:
    – Nominal voltage 480-600-690V;
    – Input: SSR or Analog already configured;
    – Firing: Burst Firing (Fast Zero Crossing)
    – Heater Break: Alarm to diagnose the partial or total break of the load or the short circuit of the thyristor;
    – Internal fuses reduce wiring time and cabinet size.

REVO S solid-state Relays

  • REVO PC for intelligent control of electrical loads.
    The REVO PC unit is designed to handle applications with many zones. This enhanced unit, thanks to a particular algorithm, minimize your energy costs through the sync function and the power limit for each zone. REVO PC enables to:
    – eliminate instantaneous power peaks;
    – keep your instantaneous power within the limit of your electricity supply contract;
    – set less onerous contracts and avoiding penalties for exceeding these limits;
    – manage REVO S units with a simple SSR input.

REVO PC for intelligent control of electrical loads

  • REVO C – Universal single/bi/three-phase power controller from 30 to 2100A.
    It is a high-performance unit, adaptable to all SCR applications, equipped with an advanced microprocessor that makes it universal and fully configurable via software.
    REVO C is the most complete unit due to:
    – three-phase synchronisation, phase rotation diagnostics, phase angle switching, current limit, measurement accuracy;
    – integrated Profinet communication and reduced integration time with TIA PORTAL libraries; Ethernet IP communication with libraries to reduce integration time;
    – SCCR 100kA – 600V approval (Short Circuit Current Rating), according to UL508.

REVO C Universal power controller

Do you work in the renewable fuel production industry and are you interested in learning more about CD Automation’s offer? Contact us! A team of experts is at your disposal!



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