Inductive Load
CD Automation offers state-of-the-art solutions for their management

In the dynamic field of industrial electronics, the efficient handling of inductive loads represents a significant challenge. CD Automation, a recognised leader in the field, is committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions to meet this challenge. Inductive loads, such as electric motors, transformers and coils, are crucial in many industrial applications and require precise control to ensure optimal performance.

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    With extensive experience and continuous investment in technological innovation, CD Automation is dedicated to developing pecific solutions for managing inductive loads, ensuring reliability and efficiency. La nostra gamma di prodotti, progettata per rispondere in modo efficace alle diverse esigenze legate ai carichi induttivi, assicura un controllo avanzato, massimizzando la produttività e riducendo i costi operativi.
    Trust CD Automation to better manage your inductive loads, benefiting from our expertise and state-of-the-art technologies.

Inductive Loads: select the connection

In the advanced management of inductive loads, selecting the appropriate connection is a crucial step.
CD Automation excels in providing tailor-made solutions to optimise the connections of inductive loads in any industrial environment.

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    Whether for motors, transformers or other inductive applications, choosing the right connection is essential to maximise efficiency and ensure operational safety. Our expertise in inductive loads allows us to offer advanced power controllers and customised solutions, ensuring that each system is perfectly aligned with the required specifications.

    Rely on CD Automation to manage your inductive loads: together, we will select the optimal connection for your systems, improving performance and reducing maintenance costs.

Pure resistive load on secondary

Low-inertia elements on secondary (es: MoSi2 elements & IRSW lamps)

Pure Resistive Loads
Secondary 1PH transformer

Pure Resistive Loads
Secondary 3PH Transformer

Pure Resistive Elements
Star with neutral | Delta

Pure Resistive Elements
Star with neutral | Open Delta

Pure resistive load on secondary

Pure Resistive Loads
Secondary 1PH transformer

Pure Resistive Loads
Secondary 3PH Transformer

Low-inertia elements on secondary (es: MoSi2 elements & IRSW lamps)

Pure Resistive Elements
Star with neutral | Delta

Pure Resistive Elements
Star with neutral | Open Delta

Load on secondary of transformer: find out more about CD Automation solutions

In the field of industrial electronics, solutions for loads placed on the secondary side of a transformer are a crucial component in ensuring the safety and efficiency of systems. CD Automation is a pioneering partner in providing innovative answers to this specific need.
Transformer, both single phase and three-phase, have an inrush current on start up. For this kind of application is required special SCR Power Controller with precise and sophisticated control.

For 1PH loads we suggest you REVO C 1PH or REVEX 1PH for small current. These units are designed to efficiently handle inrush current, protecting the system from potentially damaging overloads.
REVO C 3PH is the thyristor unit that CD Automation suggests for three phase transformer. Close examination of the transformer application needs to be made a the typical inrush current, when switched on. This over-current will have the result to damage Fuses or Thyristor.

A key feature of these units is the ability to select the fiting type – Phase Angle or Delay Triggering – directly from the configuration software or control panel. This flexibility eliminates application risks and allows more precise management of loads placed on the secondary side of a transformer.

A key issue in these applications is to prevent damage caused by current peaks occurring when switching on the primary, which could damage fuses or thyristors. CD Automation’s solutions re specifically designed to address this issue, thus ensuring maximum protection and optimal system operation. Relying on CD Automation means choosing a trusted partner for your solutions for loads placed on the secondary side of a transformer..

To avoid the peak current we suggest you to use the following techniques

1) Phase Angle firing with Soft Start and Current Limit
• Normal resistance
• Cold resistance (Es: Kanthal Super MoSi2 Elements)
• Transformer coupled with normal or cold resistance
• With cold resistance use I feed-back

2) Burst firing using the Delay Triggering (DT) technique
To avoid magnetic circuit saturation, the thyristor unit will switch OFF when the load voltage is negative and switch ON again when positive. The unit also has an adjustable delay on voltage zero crossing. In this way it is possible to switch ON when current is zero. This Firing technique can only be used with normal resistance, where its resistive value remains constant with temperature variations.

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